Group- and Research Projects

To be exposed to various different research areas, these projects cannot be done in the same laboratory as the Master project. Moreover, these projects need to be finished prior to the start of the Master project.


6 CP / 5 week Research Project (227-1760-10L)

12 CP / 10 week Research Project (227-1760-20L)

18 CP / 15 week Research Project (227-1760-30L)

24 CP / 20 week Research Project (227-1760-40L)


These research projects can be supervised by ETH professors from the field of Biomedical Engineering (Download see list (PDF, 167 KB)). Within this projects, the students perform a larger scientific study or a developmental project. These projects can be done alone or within a team and can be done at research or non-research institutions in Switzerland or abroad. A project at industry is not possible. The content can be less scientific in comparison to a Semester- or Master project. The projects are finished with a written report and/or prototype. There is no need to submit the report to study administration, as this remains between you and your host group. Students should get the expertise to work in an interdisciplinary project and to develop a speculative approach. Moreover, these projects are not graded (pass/non pass).



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