Semester Project
All students complete a semester long project (12 credits) which culminates in a written report.
The semester project is generally performed in the second semester of the Masters program. 14 weeks half-time or 7 weeks full-time study is required for this project. The project can be carried out in an industrial setting or laboratory outside of the ETH. A research plan which outlines the tasks to be performed must be approved by the supervising professor before work can be started.
Students should be exposed to several different projects during the Master. The semester project should therefore not be performed in the same laboratory as the Master project.
Consult the individual websites listed under Research for available semester projects.
Semester projects can be supervised by ETH professors from the field of Biomedical Engineering (Download see list (PDF, 167 KB)). Find a professor, and discuss with him/her your project using the following form. This must be done BEFORE the start of the project.
Semester/Master Download Project Plan (DOC, 64 KB) (example)
Sign up for the semester project in mystudies. The project plan as well as the final, written report is not submitted to study administration, as this remains between you and your host group.
Please note: The semester project 227-1772-10L is mandatory. In addition, we offer also semester project 2 (227-1772-20L) that is not madatory.
When submitting the written document for your semester project, include the plagiarism Form (in German)
If the deadline should be extended due to unforseen circumstances, please send a signed request form to