News & Events
February 3, 2025: A new professor has been approved by the steering committee to supervise projects: Prof. Andreas Güntner of the Human-centered Sensing Laboratory at D-MAVT.
November, 2024: The steering committee has approved Prof. Lambercy of the Rehabilitation Engineering Laboratory and Prof. Raffaello D’Andrea from the Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control as supervisors of our projects.
November 5, 2024: Master your Master: In various Zoom presentations, multiple specialized Master programs of ETH Zurich are presented, including our Master. Please refer to this link for the entire program, including the recordings. The Download slides of our presentation MSc Biomedical Engineering (PDF, 1.2 MB).
September 16, 2024: We welcome the new students to our program: 86 students from 13 different countries have started our Master. The merged presentations by Christian Frei and Reto Kreuzer can be downloaded Download here (PDF, 6.4 MB).
September 4, 2024: The Medicine @ETH Day allows the exchange of players in the field of medical research at ETH Zurich.
June 21, 2024: The ceremony for all Master programs of D-ITET, including Biomedical Engineering, will take place on Friday, June 21, 2024.
February, 2024: The steering committee has approved three more group leaders to supervise projects: Prof. Morteza Aramesh, Prof. Xiao-Hua Qin as well as Prof. Peter Kast.
October 31, 2023: Several interdisciplinary Master programs of ETH Zurich will be presented in a joint information event (Download slides (PDF, 1.2 MB)). Live Zoom for MSc Biomedical Engineering: 14:30 to 15:00 (the Zoom will be recorded and made available). Find the complete program in this link.
September 18, 2023: Welcome of the new BME students. 70 students from 11 different countries start our program today. Link to the joint presentation by Download Christian Frei and Reto Kreuzer (PDF, 3 MB).
October 26, 2022: ETH offers Specialised Master’s Studies with a focus on interdisciplinary topics (including MSc BME). Find out all about these programmes at our virtual event (Download flyer (PDF, 743 KB); 12:00 to 16:30). Download Slides of the presentation (PDF, 2.2 MB). external page Zoom link.
September 19, 2022: We are welcoming the new BME students: 69 students from 11 different countries. The complete presentations, including the parts from Ch. Frei, R. Kreuzer and BEEZ/AMIV can be see here: Download Orientation HS22 (PDF, 3.9 MB).
October 27, 2021: During the information event "Download Master Your Master (PDF, 342 KB)", several interdisciplinary Master programs, including the MSc Biomedical Engineering, will be presented. Virtual programme presentations take place from 12 – 3 p.m. Link to slides by Christian Frei Download MSc BME (PDF, 2.6 MB) and to the external page recorded Zoom presentation.
September 2021: We welcome 77 new students to our program, coming from 16 different countires. Pdf of the presentation by Download Christian Frei (PDF, 2.2 MB) and Download Reto Kreuzer (PDF, 6.5 MB).
March 5, 2021: Information event for ETH-Bachelors, "Master your Master!": 12 different engineering programs, including the MSc Biomedical Engineering, will give a joint presentation. Download Slides of the presentation (PDF, 1.6 MB).
February 2021: The brochure for our Master has been updated (Download BME brochure 2021 (PDF, 1.3 MB))
September 2020: 67 students from 17 different countries are starting our program. The welcome presentation can be seen here: Download Christian Frei (PDF, 2.1 MB)
February 2020: ETH news features the development of a novel type of blood testing by former BME student Dr. Alex Tanno.
February 2020: Information event for ETH-Bachelors, "Master your Master!": 10 different engineering programs, including the MSc Biomedical Engineering, will give a joint presentation. Flyer for Feb. 28. Download Presentation by Christian Frei. (PDF, 2.4 MB)
October 2019: The study regulations have changed and our Master will be extended to a 120 credit program. Students applying in Nov./Dec. 2019 and in March 2020 will therefore be admitted to the new 120 CP Master. Students that have started our program in Sept. 2019 will have a choice to remain in the previous 90 CP program, or to switch to the new 120 CP program. Students that have entered in 2018 or before will remain in the 90 CP Master.
September, 2019: We welcome 49 new students from Austria, China, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, UK and the USA. The presentation by Christian Frei can be downloaded here: Download BME Information (PDF, 1.3 MB).

March, 2019: The BEEZ designed a new logo for our program. Soon, merchandise (T-shirts etc.) will be available.
March, 2019: Slides from the information event for ETH-Bachelors can be downloaded here: Download BME Information, 2019 (PDF, 975 KB).
September, 2018: We welcome 43 new students to our program. The students come from Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Quatar, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, UK and USA. The slides from the presentation by Ch. Frei can be downloaded here: Download welcome_2018 (PDF, 1.3 MB).
February, 2018: An information event for ETH-Bachelors took place in ETZ E 6. The presentation by Ch. Frei/Reto Kreuzer can be dowloaded here: Download BME Information (PDF, 2.1 MB).
December, 2017: ETH News features the spin-off GratXray, co-funded by Prof. Marco Stampanoni, working to improve precision in mammography.
December, 2017: Work by Profs. Hierold and Vörös on sensors are featured by Download ETH Globe (PDF, 214 KB).
September, 2017: We welcome 45 new students from 14 different countries. The presentation by Christian Frei can be downloaded here: Download Welcome_2017 (PDF, 2.7 MB).
May, 2017: Prof. Marcy Zenobi, the track advisor for Molecular Bioengineering, was appointed as Associate Professor of Tissue Engineering and Biofabrication at D-HEST. We congratulate her for her achievements.
March 6, 2017: An information event took place for ETH Bachelors: ETZ E 6, from 12:15 to 13:00. Download Slides from the presentation (PDF, 3.8 MB) by Christian Frei.
September, 2016: 39 new students from 14 different countries have started our programme. Of these, two thirds are international students. The welcome presentation by Christian Frei can be downloaded here: Download Welcome_2016 (PDF, 2.5 MB).
March, 2016: FoRe (Forward / Reverse) Microarray, a technique developed by BME student Marco Habegger, is a featured article in ETH News.
March, 2016: An information event for ETH students about our programme took place on March 7. Download The presentation can be downloaded here (PDF, 4.3 MB).
January, 2016: A new 3D microprinting process, developed at the Institute for Biomedical Engineering, is a featured article at ETH News.
September, 2015: We welcome 35 new students to the programme. The students are from Canada, China, Croatia, France, Germany, Iceland, India, Italy, Lebanon, Spain, Switzerland, UK and USA. Pdf document of the Download welcome presentation by Christian Frei (PDF, 3.6 MB)
June, 2015: Work by Prof. Marco Stampanoni on X-ray microscopy is featured in an article at ETH News.
March, 2015: An orientation for ETH students took place on March 4. The presentation can be downloaded here:
Download Orientation (PDF, 4.3 MB)
February, 2015: ETH News features an atomic force microscope, developed at the Laboratory for Biosensors and Bioelectronics.
December, 2014: An ETH globe magazine interview with Profs Volkmar Falk, Dimos Poulikakos and Edoardo Mazza on the development of an artifical heart.
September, 2014: Prof. Viola Vogel retires from being a track advisor for Molecular Bioengineering. Viola was instrumental for setting up the track and to develop it towards biological and medical applications of mechanobiology. We thank her for her work and enthusiasm during the last years.
September, 2014: We welcome 36 new students to the programme. The students are from China, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwin, Turkey and USA.
March 2014: Prof. Marco Stampanoni has been elected as a new co-track advisor for the track "Medical Physics". He will work together with Prof. Tony Lomax.
March, 2014: An orientation for ETH students took place on March 4.
September, 2013: 31 students will start the programme in the autumn semester of 2013. The students are from China, France, Germany, Greece, India, Netherlands, Singapore, Switzerland, Turkey and USA.
July, 2013: The new Programme Regulations (Studienreglement 2013) has been approved by the Rectorate. The new Programme Regulations apply to all students that will enter the program in the autumn semester 2013. Please refer to the "documents" page for a link to the document. For students that have started the program in 2012 or before, the old Studienreglement 2009 does still apply.
March, 2013: An orientation for ETH students took place on March 7.
Oct, 2012: "Medical Physics" has been added as a fifth track to our program. The track advisor for this new track will be Prof. Tony Lomax. Applications to all tracks, including medical physics, will start November 1, to start studying in the fall semester of 2013.
Sept, 2012: We welcome the Class of 2012. 24 students from the following countries have started the MSc in Biomedical Engineering: Austria, Canada, China, Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Romania, Switzerland and USA.
March, 2012: Christian Frei took over the position from Marcy as the coordinator of the MSc program. Christian will teach the lab course in June, and the fall lectures "Cell and Molecular Biology for Engineers".
Sept, 2010: We welcome the Class of 2010
Sept, 2009 31 students begin the BME Master course
Nov, 2008: Program instructor Alfredo Franco-Obregon wins the Golden Owl Teaching Award
Sept, 2008: 33 students students representing Austria, Canada, China, Columbia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Luxembourg, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, USA have begun the Master program. Welcome!
Sept, 2007: 15 Students begin the Master in Biomedical Engineering program this Fall Semester.
Sept 2007: Master Student Laura Sasportas wins a Fulbright Science and Technology Award.
Sept, 2006: 20 Students will start the Masters program this winter semester. Students come from Switzerland, China, France, Turkey, the United States, Canada, Iran, the United Kingdom, Greece, and Egypt. Welcome!
March, 2006 : The airline magazine Swiss features an article on Master student Siddhartha Jha
January 1, 2006: Janos Vörös joins the Institute for Biomedical Engineering as Professor for Bioelectronics. Prof. Vörös will be the faculty advisor for the Bioinstrumentation and Signal Processing Track of the masters program.
July 5, 2005: The Board of Directors of the ETH approves the Study Guidelines (Studienreglement) for the Masters ETH in Biomedical Engineering.
May 31, 2005: 22 students have been accepted to the Masters program for the 2005-06 academic year! The international program welcomes students from China, Turkey, France, India, Switzerland and the United States.